
The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS) allows you to save money for a first home inside your superannuation fund. This will help first home buyers save faster with the concessional tax treatment within super. Concessional (pre-tax) contributions are made by individuals under the scheme and...

One of the most important considerations in helping clients with their investments is where we sit in the ‘investment cycle’.  Simply put, this describes which assets (shares, property, etc) are likely to achieve the best results at each stage of the economic cycle and by...

The Senate has passed the key Bill which gives effect to the much discussed superannuation reforms. Summary of measures The Treasury Laws Amendment (Fair and Sustainable Superannuation) Bill 2016 contains the measures originally announced in the 2016/17 Federal Budget with subsequent amendments. The Bill was passed as...

With the Government abandoning its policy to introduce a $500,000 lifetime cap for non-concessional contributions are you clear on what non-concessional contributions you can make to superannuation now? Non-concessional contributions are contributions that are made to super from after-tax income or savings. Instead of going forward with...

Sab Troncone - Senior Adviser What most people don’t realise , is that since Work cover Sa was replaced by the return to work act on the 1st of July 2015, the benefit payable to employees who have suffered a work place injury has been substantially...

Today the Government announced significant changes to the proposed superannuation reforms, providing clarity and certainty for financial planners and clients around Superannuation. The news that the retrospective $500,000 lifetime non-concessional cap has been removed is something the FPA has been actively advocating for on behalf of...

3 May 2016   Treasurer Scott Morrison has handed down his first Federal Budget—the Coalition Government’s third. The winners are low and middle income earners and small business owners. There are significant changes to superannuation that could warrant further discussion with your financial adviser.   Note: These changes are proposals only and...